With an excitingly busy end to 2017 being an almost distant memory, It's hard to believe that 2018 is already well underway and moving fast!
I have certainly enjoyed having some time off in January catching up with friends and family and having some time to reflect on the year that was and planning the year that lies ahead.
As always I am about to once again hit the high seas with Pop Opera Trio La Forza as we perform and sail our way around Australia, New Zealand, Asia & the South Pacific. I always enjoy my time away and I am looking forward to working with the lads again.
This year I am also taking on a new teaching position at St Joseph's - Gregory Terrace in Brisbane. I will be joing the team as their new Speech & Drama Teacher as well as helping out with Vocal Coaching for their School Musical, 'We Will rock You' and their College Choir. I am very much looking forward to working with the Boys and sharing my knowledge and passion for performing.
Later in the year I will be celebrating my 20th Anniversary as guest soloist with The Queensland Pops Orchestra in a very special concert 'Amigos Para Siempre'. In this concert I will be joined by my dear friends and colleagues of over 20 years Nathan Kneen & Adam Lopez. We were all best friends through our Uni days at the QLD Conservatorium and we are so thrilled to be on stage together for the first time since the late 90's. It will make a great change to our incredible jam sessions around the piano in our lounge rooms when we catch up for dinner parties!
In December I will once again take on the role as Musical Director for the David Jones Christmas Parade in Brisbane. An annual event that I cherish dearly.
As always please remember to follow me on Facebook for all the events and places I will be performing at and keep checking the TOUR PAGE for booking details.
Take care and I look forward to seeing you all at a concert very soon!